The Old Series

Publications date from 1844 to 1888
116 publications

A catalogue of the collection of tracts for and against popery, Part 2

by Thomas Jones, ed.
Volume #64 1865

A catalogue of the collection of tracts for and against popery, Part 2; including List of Publications.

A volume of Court Leet records of the manor of Manchester in the sixteenth century [Part I]

by John Harland, ed.
Volume #63 1864

A volume of Court Leet records of the manor of Manchester in the sixteenth century [Part I]; including List of Publications.

A discourse of the warr in Lancashire

by William Beamont, ed.
Volume #62 1864

A discourse of the warr in Lancashire; including List of Publications.

I. Richard Abbott’s Journal & II. The Trials at Manchester in 1694

by Alexander Goss, ed.
Volume #61 1864

I. Goss, Alexander, ed., Richard Abbott’s Journal.

II. Goss, Alexander, ed., The Trials at Manchester in 1694; including 20th Report of Council (1862–3); and 21st Report of Council (1863–4).

A history of the chantries within the County Palatine of Lancaster, Volume 2

by Francis Robert Raines, ed.
Volume #60 1862

A history of the chantries within the County Palatine of Lancaster, Volume 2; including 19th Report of Council (1861–2); and List of Publications.

A history of the chantries within the County Palatine of Lancaster, Volume 1

by Francis Robert Raines, ed.
Volume #59 1862

A history of the chantries within the County Palatine of Lancaster, being the reports of the Royal Commissioners of Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Queen Mary, Volume 1.

Mamecestre, Volume 3

by John Harland, ed.
Volume #58 1862

Mamecestre, Volume 3; including List of Publications.

Chetham Miscellanies, Volume III

by Thomas Heywood, Francis Robert Raines, ed., William Beamont, ed. and John Harland, ed.
Volume #57 1862

I. Heywood, Thomas, On the South Lancashire dialect.

II. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., Rentale de Cokersand, being the bursar’s rent roll of the Abbey of Cockersand, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, for the year 1501.

III. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., The names of all the gentlemen of the best calling within the countye of Lancaster, whereof choyse ys to be made of a c[er]ten number to lend unto her Ma[jes]tye monye upon privie seals in Januarye 1588.

IV. Beamont, William, ed., Some instructions given by William Booth Esquire to his stewards John Carington and William Rowcrofte, upon the purchase of Warrington by Sir George Booth Baronet and William Booth his son, A.D. 1628.

V. Heywood, Thomas, ed., Letter from Sir John Seton, Manchester ye 25 March 1643.

VI. Harland, John, ed., The names of eight hundred inhabitants of Manchester who took the oath of allegiance to Charles II in April 1679.

VII. [Harland, John], ed., The pole booke for Manchester, May ye 22d 1690; including List of Publications.

Mamecestre, Volume 2

by John Harland, ed.
Volume #56 1861

Mamecestre, Volume 2; including List of Publications

Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume I, Part 2

by Thomas Corser
Volume #55 1861

Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume I, Part 2; including 17th Report of Council (1859–60); 18th Report of Council (1860–1); List of Publications; and List of Members (1860–1).