The Old Series

Publications date from 1844 to 1888
116 publications

History of the parish of Garstang, Part 1

by Henry Fishwick
Volume #104 1878

History of the parish of Garstang in the county of Lancaster, Part 1; including List of Publications.

Chetham Miscellanies, Volume VI

by Francis Robert Raines, ed.
Volume #103 1878

I. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., The rent roll of Sir John Towneley of Towneley, Knight, for Burnley, Ightenhill, etc., in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Anno Domini 1535–6.

II. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., The autobiography of Mr Langley of Prestwich, seventeenth century.

III. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., A close catalogue of the Rectors of Prestwich, from 1316 to 1632: Extracted from the episcopal registers of Lichfield and Chester; including List of Publications.

Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume IV, Part 2

by James Crossley
Volume #102 1878

Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume IV, Part 2; including 34th Report of Council (1876–7); List of Publications; and List of Members (1877–8).

Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume IV, Part 1

by James Crossley
Volume #101 1877

Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume IV, Part 1; including List of Publications.

Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume III, Part 2

by James Crossley
Volume #100 1877

Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume III, Part 2; including 33rd Report of Council (1875–6); and List of Publications

Abstracts of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Volume II

by William Langton, ed.
Volume #99 1876

Abstracts of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Volume II; including 33rd Report of Council (1875–6); List of Publications; and List of Members (1876–7).

The Visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire, Part 1

by William Langton, ed.
Volume #98 1876

The Visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire, made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, A.D. 1533, by special commission of Thomas Benalt, Clarencieux, Part 1; including List of Publications.

Contributions towards a history of the ancient parish of Prestbury, in Cheshire

by Frank Renaud, ed.

Contributions towards a history of the ancient parish of Prestbury, in Cheshire; including List of Publications.

Chetham Miscellanies, Volume V

by Francis Robert Raines, ed.
Volume #96 1875

I. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., A description of the state, civil and ecclesiastical, of the county of Lancaster, about the year 1590, by some of the clergy of the diocese of Chester.

II. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., A Visitation of the diocese of Chester, by John, Archbishop of York, held in the Chapter House of the Collegiate and Parish Church of Manchester, 1590, with the Archbishop’s correspondence with the clergy.

III. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., Letters on the claims of the College of Arms in Lancashire, in the time of James the First, by Leonard Smethley and Randle Holme, Deputy Heralds.

IV. Raines, Francis Robert, ed., The Easter rolls of Whalley in the years 1552 and 1553; including 32nd Report of Council (1874–5); List of Publications; List of Members (1875–6); and ‘Presentation of the Portrait of James Crossley, Esq., F.S.A., President of the Chetham Society, to the Chetham Library, 4 October 1875’.

Abstracts of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Volume I

by William Langton, ed.
Volume #95 1875

Abstracts of Inquisitions Post Mortem made by Christopher Towneley and Roger Dodsworth, Volume I; including List of Publications.