Three Lancashire documents of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
by John Harland, ed.
Three Lancashire documents of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, comprising:
I. The great de Lacy Inquisition, Feb. 16, 1311;
II. The Survey of 1320–46;
III. Harland, John, ed., Custom roll and rental of the manor of Ashton-under-Lyne, November 11, 1422; including 24th Report of Council (1866–7); and List of Publications.
The admission register of the Manchester School, Volume II
by Jeremiah Finch Smith, ed.
The admission register of the Manchester School, Volume II [1776–1807]; including List of Publications.
Collectanea relating to Manchester and its neighbourhood, Volume II
by John Harland, ed.
Collectanea relating to Manchester and its neighbourhood, Volume II; including List of Publications.
Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume II, Part 1
by Thomas Corser
Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, Volume II, Part 1; including 23rd Report of Council (1865–6); List of Publications; and List of Members (1866–7).
The Stanley Papers, Part III: Private devotions and miscellanies, Volume 3
by Francis Robert Raines, ed.
The Stanley Papers, Part III: Private devotions and miscellanies, Volume 3; including List of Publications.
The admissions register of the Manchester School, Volume I
by Jeremiah Finch Smith, ed.
The admissions register of the Manchester School, with some notices of the more distinguished scholars, Volume I [1730–75]; including List of Publications.
Collectanea relating to Manchester and its neighbourhood at various periods: Volume I
by John Harland, ed.
Collectanea relating to Manchester and its neighbourhood at various periods: Volume I; including List of Publications.
The Stanley Papers, Part III: Private devotions and miscellanies, Volume 2
by Francis Robert Raines, ed.
The Stanley Papers, Part III: Private devotions and miscellanies, Volume 2; including List of Publications
The Stanley Papers, Part III: Private devotions and miscellanies, Volume 1
by Francis Robert Raines, ed.
The Stanley Papers, Part III: Private devotions and miscellanies of James, seventh Earl of Derby, K.G., with a prefatory memoir and an appendix of documents, Volume 1; including List of Publications.
Continuation of the Court Leet records of the manor of Manchester, A.D. 1586–1602 [Part II]
by John Harland, ed.
Continuation of the Court Leet records of the manor of Manchester, A.D. 1586–1602 [Part II]; including 22nd Report of Council (1864–5); and List of Publications.