The poems of John Byrom, Volume III
The poems of John Byrom, Vol. III, with appendix of unpublished letters by and to Byrom, ed. Adolphus William Ward.
The poems of John Byrom, Vol. III, with appendix of unpublished letters by and to Byrom, ed. Adolphus William Ward.
The township booke of Halliwell [1640-1762], ed. Archibald Sparke; also including List of former Officers and Council; List of Publications; and List of Members.
Tracts relating to the civil war in Cheshire 1641-59; including Sir George Booth's rising in that county, ed. James Augustus Atkinson; also including List of former Officers and Council; and List of Publications.
The chartulary of Cockersand Abbey, Part 7, ed. William Ecroyd Farrer; also including List of former Officers and Council; and List of Publications.
Chetham Miscellanies, New Series, Vol. II
I. Broughton near Manchester: its topography and manor court, by Henry Thomas Crofton.
II. The apostolical life of Ambrose Barlow, O.S.B. [1585-1641], ed. W.E. Rhodes.
III. A Manchester assessment of 1648, ed. Ernest Broxap; also including Report of Council (1907-8); List of former Officers and Council; and List of Publications.
Materials for the history of Lancaster, Part 1, by William Oliver Roper; also including List of former Officers and Council; and List of Publications.