The New Series

Publications date from 1883 to 1947
110 publications

Chetham Miscellanies, New Series, Volume VII

by James Tait and Joseph McNulty, ed.
Volume #100 1939

I. The Chetham Society: a retrospect, by James Tait.

II. Thomas Sotheron v. Cockersand Abbey: a suit as to the advowson of Mitton church, 1369-70, ed. Joseph McNulty.

III. The foundation charter of Runcorn (later Norton) Priory, ed. James Tait; also including Report of Council (1937-8); List of former Officers and Council; List of Publications; and List of Members.

A history of Whittington

by William Harold Chippindall
Volume #99 1938

A history of Whittington, by William Harold Chippindall; also including Report of Council (1936-7); List of former Officers and Council; List of Publications; and List of Members.

The pleas of quo warranto for the county of Lancaster

by Albert Cantle, ed.
Volume #98 1937

The pleas of quo warranto for the county of Lancaster, by Albert Cantle; also including Report of Council (1935-6); and List of former Officers and Council.

Oliver Heywood’s life of John Angier of Denton

by Ernest Charles Armytage Axon, ed.
Volume #97 1937

Oliver Heywood's life of John Angier of Denton, together with Angier's diary and extracts from his An helpe to better hearts; also Samuel Angier's diary, ed. Ernest Charles Armytage Axon.

The knights of the shire for the county palatine of Lancaster, 1377-1460

by John Smith Roskell
Volume #96 1937

History of the township of Ireby

by William Harold Chippindall
Volume #95 1935

History of the township of Ireby, by William Harold Chippindall; also including Report of Council (1934-5); List of former Officers and Council; List of Publications; and List of Members.

Chetham Miscellanies, New Series, Volume VI

by Cyril T. Flower, ed., Francis Carolus Eeles, Ernest Charles Armytage Axon, James Tait, ed. and J.P. Oakden, ed.
Volume #94 1935

I. The cowcher book of Furness Abbey: transcript of the lost folio 70, ed. Cyril T. Flower.

II. On a fifteenth-century York missal formerly used at Broughton-in-Amounderness, Lancashire, by Francis Carolus Eeles.

III. The Rectors and Deans of Manchester prior to the collegiation of the parish church in 1421, by Ernest Charles Armytage Axon.

IV The Court Leet or Portmoot records of Salford, 1735-8, with a transcript of a roll of 1559, ed. James Tait.

V. Scottish ffeilde [alliterative poem on Flodden Field, composed 1515], ed. J.P. Oakden.

Biographical sketches of the Members of Parliament of Lancashire, 1290-1550

by Henry Hornyold-Strickland
Volume #93 1935

Biographical sketches of the Members of Parliament of Lancashire, 1290-1550, by Henry Hornyold-Strickland; also including Report of Council (1933-4); List of former Officers and Council; List of Publications; and List of Members.

Queen Mary’s Grammar School, Clitheroe, Part I: the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

by Christopher William Stokes
Volume #92 1934

Queen Mary's Grammar School, Clitheroe, Part I: the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by Christopher William Stokes [no more published]; also including Report of Council (1932-3); List of former Officers and Council; and List of Members.

Lancashire deeds, Volume I: Shuttleworth deeds, Part 1

by John William Robinson Parker, ed.
Volume #91 1934

Lancashire deeds, Vol. I: Shuttleworth deeds, Part 1, ed. John William Robinson Parker; also including Report of Council; Report of Council (1930-1); List of former Officers and Council.